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Hair Loss After Pregnancy: Causes, Treatment and More

Hair Loss After Pregnancy Causes, Treatment - vandyke

Hair Loss After Pregnancy: Causes, Treatment and More

Experience the beauty of motherhood, but tackle the challenge of hair fall after pregnancy with confidence. In this guide, we discuss the causes of hair loss after pregnancy in depth, providing insights and effective solutions to help you get attractive hair back. Embrace your journey. Follow expert advice and practical tips to get your hair healthy again.

I have done a lot of research to understand the causes and treatments of hair loss after pregnancy, so you should read this post carefully. I have been able to gather some important information. Thus, it is clear that to find the answer to your question in this article, you should try to read it completely without missing a single word. So let’s get started and learn everything there is to know about it.

What is Postpartum ( Hair loss After Pregnancy ) 

Postpartum hair loss (hair loss after pregnancy), also known as telogen effluvium, occurs in women 4 to 5 months after childbirth. During pregnancy, increased hormones increase the hair growth phase, causing hair to become thicker. After childbirth, hormone levels begin to drop, causing a large number of hair follicles to enter the resting phase, leading to hair loss.

When Does postpartum hair loss begin 

It takes some time for postpartum hair loss. People say that hair starts falling immediately during pregnancy, but this is nothing but a myth. You can experience hair loss in 3 to 4 months. However, some women have also experienced that they have started experiencing severe hair fall after 4 or 5 months of pregnancy because hair fall is experienced differently by different women.

When Does postpartum hair loss stop

As a result of hormonal fluctuations that begin after pregnancy, women also start experiencing hair fall on their scalp after 3 to 4 months. The shedding phase can last for several months, usually up to 6 months. It lasts for 12 months, however, every person’s experience is different. After 6 to 12 months, when the hormones start returning to their place and their condition improves, then postpartum hair loss regrowth should start. Remember, adequate nutrition, postpartum care and patience are necessary to manage postpartum hair loss. May prove important.

Causes of postpartum hair loss

  • Hormonal changes

The main reason for this is the decline in estrogen levels after delivery.

  • Nutritional deficiencies

Iron deficiency, which is common during pregnancy and postpartum, can contribute to hair loss.

  • Stress and fatigue

The demands of new motherhood can cause stress and fatigue, which can impact hair growth.

  • Thyroid problems

Postpartum thyroiditis can affect hair growth in some women.

  • Medical conditions

Some medical conditions or medications may also contribute to hair loss.

Hair loss after pregnancy Treatment

  • Maintain a healthy diet

Focus on iron-rich foods, proteins and vitamins. Consult your doctor about prenatal vitamins or postpartum supplements.

  • Manage stress

Prioritize relaxation techniques like sleep, yoga or meditation, and delegate tasks when possible.

  • Gentle hair care

Avoid harsh products, heat styling and tight hairstyles. Opt for gentle hair brushing and nourishing hair masks.

  • Scalp stimulation

Massaging your scalp can improve blood circulation and promote hair growth.

Remember: If you feel that your hair has started falling too much and this situation persists, then you should take expert advice to deal with this situation or you can also adopt the best hair growth serum for women, which will help you The best option is the second one. 

Using the popular hair fall solution can prove to be vital for you due to the powerful ingredients present in the hair growth serum to strengthen your hair and improve the condition of hair fall.

How to prevent postpartum hair loss

Although you cannot prevent excessive postpartum hair loss, a holistic approach needs to be taken to reduce it. Ensure a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals and proteins. In this problem, keep stress away from yourself and adopt more techniques like relaxation, keep heavy conditioners and shampoos away from your hair. So that you can keep yourself away from hair fall after giving birth to a child. 

Regular scalp massage and proper hydration is very important to strengthen the hair, otherwise taking advice from experts can also be a good option for you. For effective care, you can try Permanent Solution Hair Growth Serum which contains hair growth ingredients. It is also known as Hair Growth Actives 18%.

Home remedies for hair fall after pregnancy

  • Protein power

Include protein-rich sources like dairy, eggs and lean meats in your diet to nourish hair follicles and aid growth.

  • Vitamin Bonanza

Make sure you get enough vitamins A, C, D and E through foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits, fatty fish and nuts. These vitamins play an important role in scalp health and hair growth. 

  • Iron boost

To deal with iron deficiency, focus on iron-rich foods like leafy vegetables, red meat, lentils and beans, this will help you prevent hair loss after birth.

  • Hydration hero

Drink plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. Dehydration can weaken the hair follicles and this increases the problem of postpartum hair fall, so first of all keep hydrated.

  • Head massage

Lightly massage your scalp with your fingers for 5-10 minutes daily. This improves blood circulation in the scalp and speeds up hair growth and reduces hair fall after delivery.

  • Healthy-looking hair mask

Every once or twice a week, apply a natural hair mask to your scalp and hair using ingredients like avocado, coconut oil, or aloe vera. By utilizing it, you can lessen the problem of hair loss after childbirth if you too experience it. These components nourish, moisturize, and strengthen the hair follicles.

Postpartum hair loss products: Hair Growth Actives 18%

You must choose a safe technique that doesn’t overwork your scalp in order to prevent hair fall. Because the five most potent ingredients in Hair Growth Actives 18% (Capixyl,, Procapil, Redensyl, Anagain, and Baicapil)—will strengthen your hair, it might be a superior choice in this situation. This hair growth serum is safe and effective for both men and women. 

It doesn’t have any of the usual side effects that come with other therapies like minoxidil.  Best postpartum hair loss products Use this Hair Growth Actives 18% if you are suffering symptoms of increasing hair fall, as Anti Hair Fall Serum prevents and lowers hair fall.


In conclusion, Hair Loss After Pregnancy is a normal and temporary condition that usually resolves on its own. Consistent self-care, a nutrient-rich diet, and gentle hair care practices can help manage and minimize the effects. Embrace the natural regrowth process, and if concerns persist, consulting a health care professional may provide reassurance and personal guidance, or a hair growth serum may prove to be a better option for hair fall solution.

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